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Nurse leaders from 17 countries in East, Central and Southern Africa ( ECSA) region converge in Windhoek,Namibia from 24- 26, February 2015

Theme:”Aligning health professional regulation with the scale-up of nurse-initiated and managed antiretroviral therapy to accelerate childhood HIV treatment and reach an AIDS-free generation

The Africa Health Profession Regulatory Collaborative Initiative (ARC) which is the consortium of partners coming together to strengthen nursing and midwifery profession to address HIV/AIDS challenges in the East, Central and Southern Africa (ECSA) region , will bring together nurse leaders from 17 countries . The ARC initiative with funding support from PEPFAR is made up of five main partners including CDC, Emory University, Commonwealth Secretariat, Commonwealth Nurses Federation and East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community through its professional college of nurses ECSACON.

The annual congress brings together country teams of four key nurse leaders including Chief Nursing Officer, Registrar, President of National Nurses and midwives Association and the head of nursing education or representative from university based academic leader. Countries involved in this project includes, Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Seychelles, South Africa, South Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Meeting objectives are;

  1. To share the achievements of year 3 of the project implementation
  2. To provide assistance and technical support to countries to develop their regulatory improvement projects to facilitate expansion of HIV services, particularly paediatric HIV services.
  3. To facilitate regional dialogue on lessons learned and the sharing of the best HIV clinical practices related to nursing and midwifery legislation and regulation, pre-service and continuing education and scopes of practice.
    to share the latest thinking in relation to viral loads and the impact on HIV Care and treatment
  4. To foster collaboration and promote networking between nursing and midwifery stakeholders in each country and within the region and advance their collaborative leadership skills

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